A rainy Sunday, so no mural painting, but there are paints to collect and I've started a Crowdfunding campaign to afford a protective coating.
Most of the people passing have been really positive and a few have pointed out in a reasonable way, what I fear is the inevitable that one day someone will come along and deface it.
There was one man, off to work at Sainsbury's, who was particularly mean in the way he expressed this and I could tell he was one of those people in life who lives for those moments to spitefully spit out the words 'told you so'. In my mind all I could hear was 'if you don't have something constructive to say, then don't say anything', at the time I could only sarcastically thank him for his support. It's true it could be defaced, right now as I'm typing, but at least I tried and it will still be more colourful and part of a process of improving the area, step by step. Over the last few days, one bad egg out of at least a hundred passers-by is good going, the positive comments have been so great - and it has spurred me on to get our mural protected!
Looking forward to the mural looking like the above next week and starting the other wall...And the wall has survived so far, nice and bright on a rainy morning.
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