17: Painting

Finally a glimpse of Spring and some sun. I was down at the wall for 7.30am to get the first coat of white paint on. 

I've met so many people in the neighbourhood. I think my favourite so far has to be 'Once seen, never forgotten' Doreen and that was her line. She was one of 13 and born in 1933 if I remember rightly. 

Darae from YOYO filming came down to do an interview, to film and to record the kids from Youth First in action.

The youth group kids did an amazing job, we did lots of taping and painting and the colours just look fantastic. Local people using the tunnel seem really happy about it too. Two groups of 4 kids each came down to paint, group 1 were ages 9-13 and group 2 were 7-10 years old. 

I hope it stays like this, doesn't get spoilt - although that is a real possibility. 

The plan: finish the outer walls and celebrate early May. Finish the tunnel and outer arches end of May half-term, in time for Bellingham Festival.
